Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2011: Hurry Up by Justin

Okay, so it's pretty safe to say that everyone knows I am a huuuuuuge geek. Not the socially awkward, live in my mom's basement, anime loving nerd, that still holds owns his virginity, type mind you. You don't get coined as the "devil incarnate" for being a virgin to say the least!

So whilst I have a decent social life, I still love to kick back and read my copies of Thor or Dark Avengers or watch the 1987 Dolph Lundgren classic "Masters of the Universe" where he plays the quintessential role of a lifetime "He-Man" the most non gay hero ever! As well as staple geek flicks as the original Star Wars trilogy.

But these days it's not so bad to be a nerd or a geek. That is a well overdue thanks to pop culture. With a little help from Hollywood of course. In the past decade, since Bryan Singer delivered "X-Men" to us, I've been treated to several "nerdgasms" that have made me feel like a five year old boy time and time again!

2010 has been a somewhat quiet year for comic inspired films. Iron Man 2 which was quite a delicious treat has been pretty much the only big name flick. But next year. Next year my toast gets some butter baby!

On the D.C. side we have Ryan Reynolds (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) as "Green Lantern". The tale of cocky fighter pilot, Hal Jordan. Jordan's chosen to wear a ring of immense power that can create quite literally anything the bearer imagines! This of course will be the jumping point for a projected trilogy that will show Hal as well as other Green Lantern's serving and protecting our galaxy.

But over on the Marvel side of things, we have some powerhouses on deck. Literally. Thor, the Asgardian God of thunder, who is sent to Earth. Played by Chris Hemsworth (Star Trek) who has the size to be the said Norse diety. Captain America, played by the unlikely Chris Evans (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World), whom has already played in the "Fantastic Four" as Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.

I am pretty stoked for Green Lantern, but I am counting the days till I can get in line for midnight screenings of Thor and Cap. The main reason for this is simple. The Avengers!!!! Since Iron Man came out a couple years back, Marvel's plan to put the larger than life team on film as slowly been coming into fruition. All with Samuel L. Jackson as the main link between them all to boot. His 10 second cameo post Iron Man credits, got him a 9 picture deal to portray S.H.I.E.L.D. front man, Nick Fury.

Anyone with their thumbs not 3 knuckles deep inside their own ass, but instead on the proverbial pulse, can tell you Marvel aka "the House of Ideas", has got it going on! I mean it's pretty fricken sick how ambitious their plan is. Bring forth the main characters in the Avengers with individual, big budge, awesome films that have actors all set up to team up, literally on screen, all to take on some sort of world threatening villian, or villians!

Of course the only setback is that Edward Norton who played Dr. Bruce Banner in "The Incredible Hulk" was unfortunately been put aside while while Marvel decided to get an ass eating, butt munch, known as Mark Ruffalo. Who knows, his entire crappy career could have lead him to this and, he might just blow it right out of the water! Highly unlikely, but one can dream!

Now I'm off topic. Avengers is a 2012 film this article is about 2011. Again, I can't wait for it to get here. The onscreen reuniting of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in "Paul", Zack Snyder's latest, starring the cause of all my wet dreams as of late, Emily Browning (The Uninvited) are just a couple of more reasons.

Oh and did I mention fucking Thor and Captian fucking America!!?!?! Holy fuck it's great to be a geek these days. In fact in January, pulp classic hero "the Green Hornet" starring Seth Rogen (every movie in 2009) kicks off the start of this great year for comic book films. Green Hornet is probably not as well known as it's lead actor mind you, but the films teaser trailer, looks promising.
It looks to be quite the year ahead of us. I'm more than certain this will not be the last time I write about any of these movies! And with every day that passes, another gets closer to it!


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