Saturday, November 6, 2010

I.D.G.A.F. by Justin

So some of you may know this and have seen it, but for the most part it's not been shared at all. I have a little green sketchbook that I started doing doodles and sketches in, roughly a year ago. In this little green sketchbook also has several little comic strips that I made. Mostly based on true stories or conversations from my everyday life... because I'm a shitty writer and can't think of anything to do myself hahaha. Besides, the best inspiration is drawn from your own experiences :d

Anyways while I was at C4 comic con last weekend, I had teh esteemed pleasure of sharing a table with 3 gentlemen from a website called These gentlemen really were a treat for me, as they were funny as hell, and into homo-erotic humor. I showed them said green sketchbook and it was a hit. Which personally was nice to know that relative strangers thought my stuff was good as opposed to just a few close friends, family and, my girlfriend.. all whom are biased.

So after glancing at my book, they said I should do daily comics for their website. I was flabbergasted at the offer. I obviously accepted, but declined on the notion of it being daily, as I am not a good writer and would not be able to make that kind of a deadline. We agreed on Weekly, which is fine, because that gives me the option to try to make a new strip to add, or just fall back on the ones I already have.... and with the exception of maybe 4 people, nobody would know hahahha

So I thought this would be a good time to be like a non-gay George Lucas. I started digitally remastering my work, so that I could share it with a broader audience. Also I gave it a title. "I.D.G.A.F." Which of course is an acronym for "I don't give a fuck" lol I also decided that this would be the opportune time to add wonderful technicolor and do minor editorial changes. Things that were funny a year ago, may not be now.

Also for the sake of making their site more popular, although that may stop immediately since I've come aboard, I will only be posting the comic strips exclusively to Until they kick me off the site hahaha

So I hope you check their site, and bookmark it and all that jazz. It's pretty good. "Buddy Cop", a video project of theirs is soo funny. Get down there and have a good time!! Also the book "Victor's Legacy" which is about Frankenstein's monster in a zombie infested post apocalyptic world, is really good. The first 5 chapters are online, or you could be awesome and just purchase the entire first volume in graphic novel form. I have a copy, (and it's signed, bitches) It's a fantastic read!!! The website is at the bottom of the page, as well as the facebook fan page of Merk, the artist behind "Victor's Legacy"

Your assignment is to enjoy our shit, no go forth and be free... whatever the fuck that means!!


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